3 research outputs found

    A Framework for Bidirectional Decoding: Case Study in Morphological Inflection

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    Transformer-based encoder-decoder models that generate outputs in a left-to-right fashion have become standard for sequence-to-sequence tasks. In this paper, we propose a framework for decoding that produces sequences from the "outside-in": at each step, the model chooses to generate a token on the left, on the right, or join the left and right sequences. We argue that this is more principled than prior bidirectional decoders. Our proposal supports a variety of model architectures and includes several training methods, such as a dynamic programming algorithm that marginalizes out the latent ordering variable. Our model sets state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the 2022 and 2023 shared tasks, beating the next best systems by over 4.7 and 2.7 points in average accuracy respectively. The model performs particularly well on long sequences, can implicitly learn the split point of words composed of stem and affix, and performs better relative to the baseline on datasets that have fewer unique lemmas (but more examples per lemma)

    Experimentation and Analysis of Ensemble Deep Learning in IoT Applications

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    This paper presents an experimental study of Ensemble Deep Learning (DL) techniques for the analysis of time series data on IoT devices. We have shown in our earlier work that DL demonstrates superior performance compared to traditional machine learning techniques on fall detection applications due to the fact that important features in time series data can be learned and need not be determined manually by the domain expert. However, DL networks generally require large datasets for training. In the health care domain, such as the real-time smartwatch-based fall detection, there are no publicly available large annotated datasets that can be used for training, due to the nature of the problem (i.e. a fall is not a common event). Moreover, fall data is also inherently noisy since motions generated by the wrist-worn smartwatch can be mistaken for a fall. This paper explores combing DL (Recurrent Neural Network) with ensemble techniques (Stacking and AdaBoosting) using a fall detection application as a case study. We conducted a series of experiments using two different datasets of simulated falls for training various ensemble models. Our results show that an ensemble of deep learning models combined by the stacking ensemble technique, outperforms a single deep learning model trained on the same data samples, and thus, may be better suited for small-size datasets

    SmartFall: A Smartwatch-Based Fall Detection System Using Deep Learning

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    This paper presents SmartFall, an Android app that uses accelerometer data collected from a commodity-based smartwatch Internet of Things (IoT) device to detect falls. The smartwatch is paired with a smartphone that runs the SmartFall application, which performs the computation necessary for the prediction of falls in real time without incurring latency in communicating with a cloud server, while also preserving data privacy. We experimented with both traditional (Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes) and non-traditional (Deep Learning) machine learning algorithms for the creation of fall detection models using three different fall datasets (Smartwatch, Notch, Farseeing). Our results show that a Deep Learning model for fall detection generally outperforms more traditional models across the three datasets. This is attributed to the Deep Learning model’s ability to automatically learn subtle features from the raw accelerometer data that are not available to Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine, which are restricted to learning from a small set of extracted features manually specified. Furthermore, the Deep Learning model exhibits a better ability to generalize to new users when predicting falls, an important quality of any model that is to be successful in the real world. We also present a three-layer open IoT system architecture used in SmartFall, which can be easily adapted for the collection and analysis of other sensor data modalities (e.g., heart rate, skin temperature, walking patterns) that enables remote monitoring of a subject’s wellbeing